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Jocelyn is currently a graduate student at Western University in Ontario, Canada. She volunteered extensively with the peer support service there and really wished something like it was available when she was in high school. She understands that there are certain things one is not comfortable talking about with friends, family or guidance counselors. It was really helpful for her to have had access to a service where she was able to confide in someone willing to listen. Thus, she wants to offer something similar to high school students. 


In her free time she can be seen taking a nap, listening to music, taking a walk, or watching Netflix/dramas.


Elaine is currently a graduate student at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. She noticed that among her peers, stress and struggles experienced due to school or personal life are often brushed off to be dealt with later. As students, this results in this recovery period never arriving because the work never stops. She hopes that she can inspire more people to learn about mental health and recognize its importance no matter when during our lives.  


Some of Elaine's hobbies include drawing, listening to music, watching dramas, and dragon boat.

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Ellie is currently a high school student at Markville Secondary School in Ontario, Canada. She really enjoys dancing, swimming, and playing piano, as well as being involved in volunteer work to gain more experience and help others. 

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Sophia is currently a high school student at Norfolk Academy in Virginia, United States. 

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