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 Accessing Our Peer Support Service

Register For A Session

Fill out our sign-up form here:


Sessions can range from 30 minutes to 2 hours. You do not need to stay the whole time, so it would be safe to overestimate when signing up.


We are open...

Weekdays: 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST and 3:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. EST 

Weekends: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. EST 


Please provide us with a way to contact you so that we can send you information about your session time and how to join the session

If you would like to chat with a peer support volunteer not from your school, you may indicate this on the form and we will make it happen! If not, then you may leave this blank. No information will be revealed to anyone about which school you are from, we just want you to feel as comfortable as possible during the session.


We have made it possible for you to select the meeting format you prefer. 

  • Chat (via Google Chat anonymously, no history recorded)

  • Audio Call (Via Google Meet Camera Off anonymously)

  • Video Call (Via Google Meet anonymously)

I Have Registered, Now What? 
When Will My Session Be? How Do I Access the Session?

Once we have processed your sign-up form, we will contact you and provide:​


A standard HSPS Google email address and password that you can sign into.

You will use this account to anonymously access Google Chat or Google Meet (depending on your preferred meeting format) for the session


The date and time of your session


These meetings are not recorded in any capacity, chat histories are deleted right after the session, and our volunteers are bound by our confidentiality policy to not reveal identifying and sensitive information.

If you are joining via chat, when you are signed into the Google Chat app, the peer support volunteer will send you a welcome message to start chatting. 


If you are joining via audio or video chat, our peer support volunteers will schedule the meeting ahead of time. An invitation will be sent to the email address provided to you. 


If you are confused, please see the step-by-step tutorial below or send us a message. 

During and After the Session
What can I Talk About? What will be kept confidential?

At the start of each session, the peer supporter will run through an outline of how the session will work and answer any questions you may have about confidentiality, or about our services in general.


Confidentiality Means That... 

  • Peer support volunteers will not share any identifying information about you or details of the conversation with anyone but their direct supervisor, who will not be sharing the content of your conversation with anyone.

  • Limits of confidentiality include instances where

    • 1) someone indicates they will be harming themselves or is at risk of harming others

    • 2) there are suspicions that a child currently under 16 is being abused or neglected

    • 3) there are suspicions that a vulnerable person is being abused or neglected in a long term facility. 


After the session, please complete this post-session questionnaire. This is optional but it's a great way to give us feedback on our services and tell us about areas we can improve on.

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