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Volunteer With HSPS

Join our family of caring students who give their time and talents to support peers like themselves! If you are interested in getting involved with HSPS, please fill out the application form below. We will be contacting you with results of your application as soon as possible. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.





Contact us for more information/with what you are interested in doing


As a volunteer, what will my responsibilities be?


  • To actively listen! You will be meeting and chatting with a peer, who may share anything with you, from success stories to the stresses of school/life. Be an open-minded, empathetic, and non-judgmental listening ear for them! 

  • To affirm! As a volunteer, you may encounter peers with experiences vastly different from your own. Validate their experiences and any emotions, both the positive and the negative, let them feel understood.

  • To point them towards resources if needed. You will be given training on some services a student can contact should they require more support than we offer here at HSPS. Also feel free to share any tips and strategies you felt were helpful for yourself (for school, managing stress, etc.) with the peer.

What is the time commitment like?


We require that you volunteer with us for a minimum of 6 months (we will be training you and want to keep you!). That said, there is no maximum or minimum hours on how much you can volunteer per week. Just let us know your availability and how many hours you would like to volunteer. A schedule will be sent a week in advance. 


A mandatory training session will take place prior to starting. We will reach out to you with details once you are accepted as a volunteer. 

What will I gain/learn through volunteering?


  • We will provide proof of volunteer hours and reference letters upon request!

  • Strong communication and active listening skills! You will become familiar with the nuances of human interaction, learning to work directly with students seeking someone to talk to and/or receive assistance from. You will learn to validate peers' experiences and facilitate a safe and inclusive environment.

  • How to maintain confidentiality! You will learn about ethics and boundaries in your role as a peer supporter. You will also pick up on how we can maintain confidentiality and understand the limits of confidentiality.

  • You will be making a difference in the community! A peer will be feeling much better after talking with you and you will be playing a meaningful and substantive role in fostering a culture that aspires to support peers.

Help us out with completing a survey!

If you are currently a volunteer with us, please help us improve by filling out the debrief survey! We really appreciate it! 

I'm still not sure if this is the right role for me:

No previous experience is required to become a peer supporter! All you need to bring is your passion to make a positive change and a critical mind. We encourage anyone who is interested to apply. We will train you and be here to support you! 

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